Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Dishonesty Day!

Wanna make people really mad? Save all your gags for tomorrow. They'll never expect it.

Google always does something funny for April Fools... I thought today's was funny.

CONTEST! Comment and let me know the best April Fools joke that you did/saw/were a victim of today.

Mine (so far) was when my Statistics professor was going through complicated equations really fast, and we were all writing them down, as confused as ever. And then he wrote on the overhead as his conclusion, "April Fools!" He was just so dead-pan about it, it was great!


Anonymous said...

Google's had to be the best. It threw around all kinds of believable-sounding machine learning/artificial intelligence lingo, and captured some of the web's weirdest weirdness: CADIE <3 Pandas!? lol!!!

To be honest, nothing else even fooled me. Now that I think about it, most of the news today seemed pretty normal. Which reminds me, did you hear that President Obama has authorized a trillion dollars in spending to create flying cars? That's the coolest. I was always wondering when that would happen.

Dianey Face said...

Josh absolutely wins the contest.

Anonymous said...

No way! What an achievement! When does the prize money become available?