The Interrobang.
Blogger says I spelled that word wrong. In fact, most people don't recognize it as being real. "It" is a fabulous, efficient punctuation mark, combining the question mark and the exclamation point.

Amazing, right‽ No more of this, "He said what??!?!?!?!?!", although that can be fun sometimes.
For more info, visit the source of all truth. That's what I did!
Remember that time that you totally vented about the fact that people can't spell things correctly? I'm often perplexed at how people can't use punctuation correctly. Granted there are nuances that I'm still learning and trying to understand, but both the exclamation point and the question mark are FINAL punctuations. As in, one is all you'll ever need. It's a question, or it isn't. You want it to end with a bang, or you don't. And, after discussing with Michelle, I'd have to agree that the interrobang doesn't pack quite the same punch. But I love that language is always changing--thanks for sharing! :D
De nada. I think they came up with this in the 70s, and it didn't really catch on... so it's not necessarily a recent thing. But, don't you ever end sentences with "?!" to get a surprised or annoyed tone across?
Good point though. Thanks.
Just thought I would point out that "?!" and "!?" are accepted forms of punctuation, and so are as "correct" as any other. ;D
I have to agree though, the interrobang doesn't pack quite the same punch. Maybe it is just that it isn't familiar. :)
This blog post makes me feel funny inside...
Call me crazy, but I love it! I think it needs to be added to a standard keyboard... although then it may start to be overused a bit. I like the name of it... the interrobang!
I think it can replace the semi-colon. It seems much more useful.
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