I went to one of my favorite places in the whole world today: the cemetery. It was a beautiful day, and I looked forward to getting some pictures, but by the time I got there it was a little too dark for most of them to turn out. How wonderful to be there with the knowledge that Christ lives, and because of Him, we can all live again someday. I love having the truth in my life. It makes me feel such joy.

Here are lyrics of my favorite Easter song.
Day of Tears (Kenneth Cope)
A crown of thorns
A cross to bear
And sorrowing friends
following there
yet --
He speaks through His grief
"Weep not for me."
How can we hold back these tears?
יום עגמה day of sorrow
יום של דמעות day of tears
day of tears
the tearing flesh
the trembling nerves
some now bow in jest
and mock His thirst
and still from His lips
"Father forgive."
How could they slay their Lord?
יום עגמה day of sorrow
יום של דמעות day of tears
day of tears
now asleep
rest in peace, Jesus Lord
with love we come
to wash away where hate hath marred
but can it be?
now we see no grave can hold Thee in
death has an end
Thou lives again!
יום של שמחה day of gladness
יום של דמעות day of tears
יום פלא day of wonder
יום של דמעות day of tears
tears of joy
tears of joy

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