Monday, March 3, 2008

Honey...? Pass the Honey please.

I love spring time. I think it would be my favorite time of year if it weren't for the allergies that I get as soon as the weather warms up. About a week ago, when I woke up, I felt as though a truck had run me over, then reversed and run over me again just for spite, and I knew they had arrived in style. My allergy symptoms usually consist of a scratchy throat, stuffy sinuses, headache, inability to focus, and pretty soon I can expect itchy, watery eyes.

When I was mentioning my allergies to my eldest brother Jason, he suggested that I should eat honey made from bees in the area, and my body should be able to build immunities to the pollen that causes these maddening, distracting symptoms. Around the same time, in Biology class, we read an article about the correlation between honey and relief from coughing, because it coats the throat and makes it easier to breathe. This amazing substance, which is basically the regurgitation from honey bees, may have the ability to make me feel healthy and left without anything to complain about.

My grandparents had honey bees on their property last summer, and gave me some honey to try. I'm going to be really excited if this is the cure. It's more natural and cheap than the allergy medicine I've stocked up on (which doesn't even work very well), and besides all that, it tastes great! So, I've decided to give honey a try. I will post any significant results in due time.


Keith said...

Are you sure this isn't just a ploy to eat more sweets? If it is, it's a good one.

Gabe said...

Actually, there is a company that is making wound dressing material and bandaids with honey incorporated into it. It has antibacterial properties, which is why my grandmother just scooped out the mouse that had sweetly drown in her 20 gal bucket of honey and kept using it.

Honey also gives you sore throat relief. Over Christmas break I came down with strep throat. My mom also got a sore throat but took some honey and swore it cured her. I made fun of her, but she'd be pleased to read your post:-)

Keith said...

Gabe's grandma could probably beat me up.

Dianey Face said...

Gabe, I don't mind if you suggest my blog to your mom and/or grandma. More traffic! :D
And Keith, I (emphasis on "I") never said I'd go off sugar. With Suzie and Nae off, I have more of a responsibility to get rid of it all!