For a few years I was normal and had crushes on the guys in my own grade.
And then I returned to my old ways. I was 18 years old, and moved to my very first apartment. Within the first month, I was snatched up by a dashing 26 year old man. Ever since then, I think I typically justify, "Oh, you're 27? 28? 29? That's not that old." and it isn't. But maybe it is for me. I'm just 20. I'm a little girl! I've broken up *too many times because of the whole "different stages in life" thing. And yet, I keep falling for these serious, older guys who are so good, mature, and really attractive but they don't seem to even slightly appreciate me and my silliness. A wise philosopher once sang, "Girls just want to have fun."

Does anyone know a great 22 year old to set me up with?
*even twice is twice too many times.
"A wise philosopher" ? Ba-ha! Oh, Diane...I have lots of guy friends, but I can't think of any right now who match up to how amazing you are. That is the problem. Hmmm, maybe just give up for now and God will send you one.
I'm sure you could widen your range just a little bit--22 - 24 would probably be safe. :D Good luck!
If you wait a few months, I have a bunch of friends coming home from missions! They are all awesomely amazing! :)
How many times have I said that it's really too bad I'm not a guy?! We'd be perfect for each other. ;)
Joking aside, I don't know that age is really the problem--your sample size is still fairly small. Even "old" people can be silly and know how to have fun. I have all the confidence and faith and hope in the world for you!
Hey, I had a crush on that newbie too! He really was hunkie-ish.
I see nothing wrong with you liking older men. The more time you spend liking them, the older you get. Then they aren't old anymore.
Viola. :)
Hahaha! "Hunkiest Hunk in Hunkville," eh? Mind if I share with the family? :)
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