I'm sure there are good reasons for me having to wait to enter the MTC for another 52 days, but sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy!! I know the mission will be tough, I know my Spanish isn't even close to good enough for me to survive on my own out there, I know I have more preparing to do. But I won't be alone. I have faith that if I am willing, the Lord can use me to be His instrument and convey the message of His good news, despite my many shortcomings. It's amazing how anxious I feel to go where I've been called to go: to be anxiously engaged in the best cause.

I have a testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Through diligent study, we can find many lessons which are applicable to us. It speaks of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves me and you so much, that He chose to take our sins, weaknesses, pains and experiences upon Himself, suffering and dying so that we can live eternally. Our Heavenly Father manifests His love in everything we have, even our own breath, and especially in the act of sending His Son to fulfill the atonement. God knows each and every one of us by name. He knows our fears, problems, worries, joys, ponderings, and our hearts. Knowing these things brings me joy.
Everyone deserves to know these things too, don't you think?
PS: Speaking of missions... check it out.
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