I just checked out of this place. I walked down to the office, turned in my key, my early-check-out form, and a self addressed envelope. And that's it. It took a long time to get all my things together and do my cleaning check. In fact, it's taken most of my day. Maybe I took a long time purposefully because I'm not quite ready to leave. I'm really going to miss this place.
People are so down-to-earth here. They look out for each other, take care of each other, love each other. There is always a smiling face when I need one. I could walk into almost any apartment and spend the evening laughing my cares away. I honestly feel like every person in this complex is my friend.
The BC has made a great impact in my life. This is the place where I began learning the guitar. This is where I learned how to cook some things besides ramen noodle casseroles. This is the place where I first learned how to love someone. The place where I've had my first real heartbreak. The place where I've spent many evenings walking and talking with people who have taught me new ways to view the world. The place where I've laughed so much, I'm sure I've extended my life at least 20 years. The place where I've met the most incredible people with so much to offer the world. And in the meantime, they've given so much to me.
And yet, I'm excited to move on. I'm excited to meet new people, have new crushes, deal with new dramas. I'm excited to learn new things that it's time for me to learn. I'm so happy! I'm closing a chapter in my life. But it's been such a great one, that I can't wait to read the next one. I'm not putting this book down for anything.
Cute, Diane. Oh, and please, please, please don't put the book down. You're too young to die. :)
Oh, and don't forget to take your dad's book to Mary for me!
See ya at Alta, amiga.
My little Dianey -- growing up and saving China... ? There's another movie misquote for you. :)
I love you! You've definitely been a B.C. highlight for me. It's been a great year. Remember who I am! :)
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