Good news, Hermana Rosales and I aren´t going to be transferred! We have at least another 6 weeks together. Hooray!

And another miracle, was yesterday at Church when a boy named Elvin whom Hna Rosales and I casually invited to church two weeks ago told us he loves primary and wants to be baptized. We went to his home last night and met his mom, who proceeded to tell us that he woke up early and told her he couldn´t eat breakfast because he had to go to church, and later the branch president told us he was one of the first ones there. We shared the message of the Restoration with his mom (Candy) and the Spirit was very strong. She answered with a firm ¨sí¨ when I asked if she would pray to know for herself if Joseph Smith is a prophet. We´re praying that she can have the same excitement as Elvin, since he needs her support and we desire her salvation too. It was probably the best lesson we´ve ever taught, and I know that people are truly prepared for this amazing message and change in their lives.I´ve been thinking of Suzie lately and praying for her as she just has a few more hours until the MTC! I hope she loves it and learns all she can there. I am so grateful for my experience at the MTC and the CCM Guatemala. I hope she can remember that if Robyn is out there in France and I´m out here in the middle of Honduras, she can do it! Whom the Lord calls, He qualifies.
This morning I read Helaman 3 verse 35 and now think of it as my new mission scripture. It describes what I hope to become.
I love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers and good examples! Please know I love you even if my snail mail never gets there... but I am sending it every week.
Love, Hermana Francis

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