Sunday, June 28, 2009

Caught red handed

It's been a while since I posted. Maybe I was waiting for myself to get to the point where I had a list of a dozen or so things I really wanted to blog about, or maybe I've been on a trip and haven't had much computer access. Both reasons are true.

I had a funny experience last week. I was at my sister-in-law's sister's house (do you follow?) and the kids (my niece and nephews and the nieces and nephews of my sister-in-law [how're ya doin'?]) were on their second movie in a row (this is what baby-sitting is like when the adults haven't seen each other in a long time and really want to catch up), so naturally they were getting a little bored with the tube. Even with the Muppet Show. That's what I don't understand. They sat with their mouths slightly ajar and eyes glazed over with devotion to some Barbie show, but then got restless during the Muppet Show. That's like the funniest show ever, I think.

After a few minutes, I went into the kitchen and now wish I had the sense to take a picture of the scene before cleaning up after one of the little tykes. He had gotten a package of saltines down from the cupboard, and with a small pair of scissors, proceeded to cut them up in little pieces. Not to eat, not to make a craft or small sculpture, not for any particular reason more than just to make the statement, "I am so insanely bored right now." He fled when he saw my adult-ish figure coming to investigate, smashing the crumbs into dust under his feet.

Things are great with me! I'm enjoying spending time in Indiana with Jason, Marcie and the kids, and am counting down the days until I am a missionary!! If anybody knows anything about or anybody who has been to Honduras, please comment. I know almost nothing, except I'm psyched about EvErYtHiNg, even the potentially huge bugs. Weird!


Paul Epperson said...

Sometimes I wish I was young again so I could get away with doing things like that.

Fredjikrang said...

Well, there was just a coup in Honduras. Things are looking unsettled at the moment.

Fredjikrang said...

Sorry, URL didn't work. Try this one.