I remember last semester being so busy, that I wondered when I could squeeze in a minute to cut my fingernails. Showers were skipped, meals were skipped, I had so much to do all the time that I didn't have the luxury of having time to take care of myself.
For some reason it's taking a long time for my church records to transfer to the right ward, and I have to wait for them before I can start working on my mission papers. I've already been to the dentist, been shopping for some mission clothes (at Miss D's! Como siempre...) and rescheduled my doctor's appointment twice (it'll be thrice tomorrow if I still can't start my papers), because I have to have my papers filled out as much as I can before I go. I'm only working about 12 hours a week, and have spent my time hiking, running, reading, studying PMG, watching old family videos, visiting friends from old wards, and now even writing blogs.
I feel so stuck, so stopped, so lazy, so bored, so underwhelmed.
I'd like to be just plain whelmed.
Looking on the bright side, at least I have material for tonight's poetry club! :)
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