Yesterday began with a frown on Dianey's face. I woke up late, due to being trapped in vivid, strange, frightening dreams, which kept continuing on since I turned off my alarm after pushing snooze half a dozen times. As soon as I ripped my mind from this state and regained consciousness, my first thought of the day was "I'm late". And truly, I was: my class started in 25 minutes and that's almost how long it takes to get to school on a skip-breakfast day.
Skipped the shower (just donned a hat), skipped the breakfast, skipped the deodorant (remembered halfway to school... curses! How am I ever going to get myself hitched if I don't even have time for personal hygiene?) and took longer strides than my little legs can tolerate, trying to not be
too late for class and the quiz that I hadn't finished reading for, and the assignment I hadn't even started yet.
But then I got an 8/10 due to some lucky guessing + the easiness of the quiz, and a friend in my class even gave me half of his paper so I didn't need to bother tearing out my own piece, and the assignment wasn't really due, just was being peer-reviewed, and I didn't even have a chance to actually be sad about anything.
I was feeling grumpy about my weaknesses. I'm a procrastinator, I don't manage my time well, and sometimes I don't take school seriously enough. But it was incredible how despite all this, my blessings were so apparent!
You should've seen me: trying so hard to have a bad day. I felt like a wanna-be emo. But no matter how hard I tried to find something to grumble about, I couldn't. I was just too happy! Life is too wonderful. I have too many blessings, too many reasons to smile, know too many incredible people. The gospel is too true.
If anybody thinks I'm a faker, you're wrong. This smile isn't plastered on. It's permanent.