Putting the toilet paper in the toilet
My hair straightens
Fewer political riots
Not having to wear flip flops ALWAYS in the house
Easy computer access
Jason, Mike, Steve, Mary, John E.
The piano
My sewing machine
Harmonizing in singing
Not hearing daily news of deaths in the area
Hot showers
Tolerable weather
Consistent running water
Seasons (besides rainy, hot, rainy)
Not sticking out too much. "gringita!!":)
My ties
Safe food - knowing I probably won't get sick from it
Drinking from the tap
No cockroaches
People going door to door selling home-grown vegetables
The adventures when the lights randomly go out
Washing my clothes by hand in a PILA
Watching them dance (punta)
Real baleadas
Seeing kids playing soccer in the streets
The traditional kiss on the cheek each time you greet someone
Random cows block your path
The music pouring from the houses and pulperias (little shops)
Being the only one not tone deaf (cute voices)
The crazy moto taxis - no seatbelts
Nahum, Delmis, Reina, Cindi, Silbano, Sofia, Familia Cervantes, Jonny, Maira, Jackie, Mama Ibeth, etc.
The mischevious children
Hitting mangos down from mango trees (sticks, soccer balls, etc)
Fireworks for Christmas
They mow their lawn with a machete
The BEAUTIFUL hills, sunsets, stars
Showering with a bucket. :D
Drinking from a coconut on the side of the road
Houses that are painted bright colors and each Christmas painted a different color
Mayan Ruins
Feeling the Spirit in Spanish
The rivers
I like that the picture is blurry. It symbolizes your movement between here and Honduras. The best part, though, is your big smile.
I'm sure glad you're here.
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