Hello familia (y amigos)!
It was a very feliz week!
As a mission we have some goals, such as reading Preach My Gospel every two transfers, reading the Book of Mormon and New Testament in Spanish before June, and memorizing the Articles of Faith. I have the articles of faith down (I wrote them down and taped them up in the shower so I can enjoy memorizing while showering with a bucket) and Hermana Figueroa and I use them in our street contacting all the time. We started talking with one man this week who made the mistake of asking ¨And what do you Mormon´s believe?¨ I only got through Number 3 before he made it evident that he was in a hurry. =)
I wanted to say ¨No wait! We have 10 more!!¨
On Saturday we were finally able to meet with our Branch President, Pres. Merren (I say ´finally´because Hermana Figueroa has been here for two weeks and just now was able to meet him) for what turned out to be almost 2 hours. He´s a doctor, has 5 enthusiastic children (3 under the age of 8) and just yesterday called his counselors and is very busy. We planned some missionary activities for March including what may turn out to be a bi-weekly English class that I´ll be in charge of teaching. But we´ll see. Pres. Merren is hesitant to start it if it turns out that I´ll be transferred out of the area in April. And I´m kind of feeling like I will be. But who knows?
Hermano Silvano Contreras is progressing and I´ve become quite attached to him and his wife Sofia. It´s exciting to see them bringing themselves to church. As Pres. Merren explained to me, in this culture there is a lot of dependency on other people. Many investigators depend on the missionaries for everything, and when they leave, we are left with many inactive people. I´m pleased to be learning from my companion how to help these friends of ours be self dependent and to develop faith in themselves and more importantly in the Lord and His atonement.
I´m really having a hard time writing in English right now.
Oh, also about Silvano... we were talking to him about the word of wisdom again (he hasn´t had a drink since the first week of February!), and I decided I´d go a week without sugar to try to understand how he feels without his alcohol and how Sofia feels without her coffee. And the very next day we had interviews with Pres. Cruz and Sis. Cruz brought out some nice big chocolate doughnuts. Silvano laughed when I told him with shame that I couldn´t resist. I have a lot more respect for those who struggle with their addictions! I can´t really explain the love I feel for the family Contreras, but I´m grateful for the opportunity to teach them, eat beans and rice from their table, watch them change and progress, and especially to listen to their prayers. Please keep them in yours!
This morning I was studying in Mateo (or rather Matthew) 18, verses 21-35 about forgiveness. I wasn´t really sure why I was studying it, but when I shared in companionship study, it was just what Hermana Figueroa needed for something that she´s going through right now. I love how she teaches me and I´m able to teach her as well. Actually, I love how the Spirit is teaching both of us, every day.
It truly is amazing to learn and grow from being with a companion all the time. Yesterday she was sick (reaction to the pills that all the missionaries have to take every 6 months to help us if we have parasites... which I´m pretty sure I don´t because I always drink purified water, but you never know... not everybody washes their hands before preparing our beans and tortillas etc. ... don´t worry, mom!) and I was so worried! She´s like my other half and in very little time I´ve come to love her very much. She rested while I went through our little first aid kit and brought her juice and water, and we were able to find someone for a priesthood blessing (although worthy priesthood holders are sparce). Today both of us feel much better.
There´s much more I want to say, but I´m already super long-winded and time is ticking, and it´s not mine. It´s the Lord´s. Gotta go!
Love you all so very much!
XOXOXOOXOXOoxoxoxox Hermana Francis
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